Current Issue : April - June Volume : 2019 Issue Number : 2 Articles : 5 Articles
Scholars have pointed out both positive and negative effects ethnical networks\ncould have on immigrant business performance. By statistically analyzing\nthe difference in income among Chinese and Korean entrepreneurs,\nthis study focuses on the impact of a strong network on immigrant business\nperformance. The results indicate that higher network quality and quantity\nhave negative impacts on business ownersâ?? incomes, yet these negative effects\ncould be offset by stronger overall networks....
The present paper focuses on the methods of derivative contract pricing. The basic differential equation of the popular Black-Scholes model for option contract pricing is derived. Furthermore, its less known modifications by Merton and Garman and Kohlhagen are pointed out. The paper refers to the significant drawbacks and limitations of the option pricing models that are based on constricting and unrealistic assumptions that often fail in comparison to the real market data. Attention is paid to the most serious problem, namely the issue of constant volatility, which is considerably disrupted in practice. Models implementing both stochastic and deterministic volatility in the original model are pointed out, their output being a more accurate option contract price....
This paper examines how Spanish green start-ups develop improved attitudes towards nature. Despite the prevalence of theories\nbased on green entrepreneurs, very little research has been conducted on how green attributes influence nature in the framework\nof the new Spanish Criminal Code in what concerns corporate compliance. One hundred and fifty-two start-ups were interviewed\nin 2018. Smart PLS Path Modelling has been used to build an interaction model among variables. The results obtained have a\nsignificant theoretical and practical implication since they add new findings to the current literature on how start-ups incorporate\nthe recent Criminal Code in their environmental decisions.Themodel reveals a strong predictive power (R-squared = 77.9%). There\nare grounds to say that start-ups should implement effective monitoring systems and new organisational standards, in addition to\ndeveloping surveillance measures to avoid unexpected sanctions....
Any existing company, including the female companies, is brought to make decisions perpetually, but is not immunized against the daily risks and the internal and external difficulties which it can meet. The company, being at a time of its existence, in a difficult situation involving even its own survival, must confront its difficulties and overcome them in order to guarantee its evolution and its durability, and this while facing an environment that is particularly not stable.The Thing which carried us out to raise an interesting question that we will answer in this article: How do female business owners behave in the face the problems and how do they manage to overcome these shortcomings and failures? In the same vein, an exploratory study was carried out with the collaboration of 40 Moroccan female companies , managed by women, with all regions combined, and the results will be presented in this present paper. The objective is to exhibit the vision of the failures, their causes, and their solutions according to the Moroccan creative women and business leaders at this time, hence, the originality of this work is assured/guaranteed/asserted....
The development situation and main difficulties of the development of innovation\nand entrepreneurship talents in domestic universities were acquired by\nsummarizing and analyzing the policy characteristics and practical experience\nof the innovation, entrepreneurship and technology talents mobility in the\nUnited States, Britain and Japan. This paper proposed some suggestions\nabout policies, including two modes and the design of frame, which could\nprovide a path and countermeasures for the government to promote the innovation\nand entrepreneurial flow of scientific and technological talents, at\nthe same time, provide development paths and suggestions for subsequent\npolicy announcements....